January 29 Guangzhou Steel Market Price Quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel Factory/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Yesterday Last Week Last Month Than General Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Handan Steel 4810 0 0 Common Line Φ8mm Q235 Handan Steel 4810 0 0 Common Line Φ10mm Q235 Handan Steel 4810 0 0 0 High Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Wide Steel 4820 0 0 0 High Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Low Temperature Steel 4800 0 0 -30 High Line Φ6.5mm Q335 Beitai 4680 0 0 -70 High Line Φ6.5mm Q335 Pinggang 4760 0 0 -20 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Masteel 4870 0 0 0 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Tangsteel 4870 0 0 0 Rebar Φ18-25mm HRB335 Masteel 4720 0 0 10 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Tangsteel 4760 0 0 20 Rebar Φ18 -25mm HRB335 Liusteel 4720 0 0 20 Rebar Φ18-25mm HRB335 Pyongyang 4720 0 0 0 Rebar Φ18-25mm HRB335 Jianlong 4630 0 0 70 Rebar Φ18-25mm HRB335 Shougang 4720 0 0 40 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Xinfu 4650 0 0 90 Threaded steel Φ16-25mm HRB335 Steel 4770 0 0 40 Threaded steel Φ12mm HRB335 韶Steel 50000 0 80 Threaded steel Φ14mm HRB335 韶Steel 4900 0 0 -20 Thread steel Φ16mm HRB335 韶钢 4910 0 0 140 Thread Steel Φ18-25mm HRB335 Steel 4760 0 0 60 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Yufeng 4680 0 0 30 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB3 35 Cold Steel 4720 0 0 30 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Wanxin 4700 0 0 20 Level III Rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Ma Steel 5100 0 0 90 Level III Rebar Φ14mm HRB400 Ma Steel 5100 0 0 90 Level III Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Masteel 4950 0 0 100 Grade III rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Grade 5050 0 0 130 Grade III rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Grade 5010 0 0 80 Grade III rebar Φ18-25mm HRB400 Tangshan Steel 4920 0 0 70 III Grade Rebar Φ18-Φ25mm HRB400 Ping Steel 4920 0 0 70 Hot Roll 2.75mm*1250*C Q235 Tong Steel 5300 0 0 350 Hot Roll 2.75mm*1250*C Q235 Bead 5230 100 100 180 Hot Roll 2.75mm *1250*C Q235 Handan Steel 5230 100 100 180 Hot Roll 2.75mm*1250*C Q235 Tang Steel 5200 0 0 0 Hot Roll 3.0mm*1250*C Q235 Anshan Iron/Shandong Steel 5080 0 0 80 Hot Roll 3.0mm *1500*C Q235 Tang Steel 5100 0 0 220 Hot Rolled Roll 4.75mm*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Steel 4800 0 0 20 Hot Rolled Roll 4.75mm*1500*C Q235 Steel 4800 0 0 20 Hot Rolled Roll 5.5mm*1500 *C Q235 Tangshan Iron & Steel 4800 0 40 20 Hot rolled coil 5.75mm*1500*C Q235 Liugang 4800 0 40 20 Hot rolled coil 5.75mm*1500*C Q235 Angang/Benc 4800 0 40 20 Hot rolled coil 5.75mm*1500 *C Q235 Ma Steel 4880 0 0 -20 Hot Rolled Rolls 7.5mm*1500*C Q235 Benxi Steel 4800 0 40 50 Hot Rolled 7.5mm*1500*C Q235 Tang Steel 4800 0 50 50 Product Name Specification Material Steel/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Than Yesterday Last Week Last Month Hot rolled coil 11.5*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Steel 4800 0 50 70 Strip steel 183-232mm*2.5 DF01 Half steel 4800 0 0 170 Strip steel 295-355mm*2.5 DF01 Ruifeng 4700 0 0 50 Strip steel 295-352mm*2.5 Q195L Tangshan Jianlong 4730 0 0 50 Strip 275mm*2.5 Q195L Radon 4780 0 0 50 Strip 240-255mm*2.5 Q195 Steel 4730 0 0 80 Strip 255mm*2.5 Q235 Tianjin Roll 4770 0 0 40 Strip 352mm *2.75 Q235 Tangshan Steel 4730 0 0 50 Strip 434mm*3.0 Q235 Tangshan Steel 4730 0 0 50 Strip 680-720mm*5.0 HG5 Beitai 4550 0 0 10 Strip 438-520mm*2.75 HG 5 Xingye 4750 0 0 50 Strip Steel 680 -735mm*5.0 HG5 Songting 4550 0 0 10 Strip 505-700mm*2.75 HG5 Latitude 4800 0 0 20 Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*2500 SPCC Angang 5850 0 20 0 Cold rolled coil 1.2mm*1250*2500 ST12 Angang 5850 0 20 0 Cold rolled coil 2.0mm*1250*2500 ST12/DC01 Angang 5850 0 20 0 Cold rolled coil 3.0mm*1250*2500 ST12/DC01 Angang 5850 0 20 -50 Cold rolled coil 1.0mm* 1500*C SPCC Benxi Steel 5800 0 50 50 Cold Rolled Roll 1.0 *1250*2500 SPCC Wugang 5830 0 50 100 Cold rolled coil 1.5mm*1250*2500 ST12 Wugang 5830 0 50 100 Cold rolled coil 2.0mm*1250*2500 ST12 Wugang 5830 0 50 100 Cold rolled coil 3.0mm*1250 *2500 ST12 Wugang 5830 0 30 80 Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*c ST12 Kunming Steel 5750 0 50 50 Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250*c ST12 Masteel 5800 0 50 70 Cold rolled coil 1.0mm*1250 *c ST12 Handan Steel 5780 0 50 80 Puzhong Plate 6mm Q235B Xinyu 5710 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 8mm Q235A Handan Steel 5660 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 10mm Q235A Handan Steel 5360 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 14-20mm Q235A Handan Steel 5190 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 22-28mm Q235B Shan Steel 5190 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 10mm Q235A Liusteel 5360 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 12mm Q235A Liusteel 5240 0 30 140 Puzhong Plate 14-20mm Q235A Liugang 5190 0 30 140 Puzhong board 8mm Q235A Xinyu 5660 0 30 140 Puzhong board 10mm Q235A Xinyu 5360 0 30 130 Puzhong board 12mm Q235A Xinyu 5240 0 30 140 Puzhong board 14-20mm Q235A Xinyu 5190 0 30 140 low alloy board 8mm Q345 韶Steel 5810 0 30 130 Low Alloy Plate 10mm Q345 Alloy 5560 0 30 130 Low Alloy Plate 12mm Q345 Handan Steel 5410 0 30 130 Low Alloy Plate 20mm Q345 Shan Steel 5390 0 30 140 Furnace 6mm 20g Xinyu 5900 0 0 100 Boiler Plate 8mm 20g Liuzhou Steel 5850 0 0 100 Boiler Plate 10mm 20g Liuzhou Steel 5600 0 0 100 Boiler Plate 12mm 20g Liuzhou Steel 5360 0 0 60 Product Name Specification Material Steel Plant/Original Price (Yuan/ t) Than yesterday last week than the previous month Boiler plate 14mm 20g Liuzhou Steel 5360 0 0 1 0 Boiler plate 20-39mm 20g Liuzhou Steel 5700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8mm 16MnR Liuzhou Steel 5830 0 0 0 Container Plate 10mm 16MnR Liuzhou Steel 5650 0 0 0 Container Plate 12mm 16MnR Liuzhou Steel/Shougang 550 0 0 0 Container Plate 14-20mm 16MnR Liusteel/Shougang 5500 0 0 Container Plate 22-30mm 16MnR Liusteel/Shougang 5550 0 0 0 Container Plate 8mm 16MnR Xinyu 5850 0 0 0 Container plate 10mm 16MnR Xinyu 5650 0 0 0 Container plate 12mm 16MnR Xinyu 5500 0 0 0 Container plate 14-20mm 16MnR Xinyu 5450 0 0 0 Seamless pipe Φ25*2.5 20# Wuxi 6050 0 0 100 Seamless pipe Φ38*3 20 # Xinyu 5420 0 0 100 seamless pipe Φ48*4 20# Xinyu 5420 0 0 100 seamless pipe Φ57*3.5 20# Xinyu 5420 0 0 100 seamless pipe Φ60*4 20# Xinyu 5420 0 0 100 seamless pipe Φ89* 4.5 20# Guangxi 5420 0 0 100 Seamless Pipe Φ108*4.5 20# Angang 5250 0 0 100 Seamless Pipe Φ219*7 20# Steel 5600 0 0 100 Seamless Pipe Φ219*7 20# Baotou Steel 5500 0 0 100 I-beam 18#/a Q235 Sea-steel 4430 0 0 130 I-beam 25#/a Q235 Laiwu Steel 4700 0 0 130 I-beam 25#/b Q235 Wugang 4810 0 0 130 I-beam 25#/b Q235 Laiwu Steel 4710 0 0 130 I-beam 36#/b Q235 Laiwu Steel 4760 0 0 130 I-beam 40#/b Q235 Laigang 4780 0 0 130 Channel 16#a Q235 Masteel 4800 0 0 200 Channels 16#a Q235 Masteel 4500 0 0 180 Channels 20# Q235 Masteel 4780 0 0 180 Channels 16#a Q235 Masteel 4800 0 0 180 Channels 20# Q235 Masteel 4910 0 0 140 Angle 40* 5mm Q235 Tong Steel 4850 0 0 200 Angle Steel 50*50*5mm Q235 Ma Steel 4850 0 0 200 Angle Steel 50*50*5mm Q235 Tong Steel 4800 0 0 200 Angle Steel 140*140*5mm Q235 Ma Steel 4860 0 0 200 Galvanized Roll 0.7mm*1000*C ST02Z Angang 5800 0 0 270 Galvanized coil 1.0mm*1000*C ST02Z Angang 5680 0 0 330 Galvanized coil 0.7mm*1000*C ST02Z Benxi Steel 5800 0 0 270 Galvanized coil 1.0mm*1000 *C ST02Z Benxi Steel 5680 0 0 330 Galvanized Roll 1.0mm*1000*C DC51D+Z Benxi Steel 5680 0 0 330 Galvanized Roll 1.0mm*1000*C DC51D+Z Ma Steel 5650 0 0 300 Color Coil 0.326mm *1200*C SGCC Taiwan Min Hui 8000 0 0 0 Color Coil 0.376mm*1000*C SGCC Taiwan Min Hui 7900 0 0 0 Color Coil 0.5mm*1000*C SGC C Baosteel 7700 0 0 0 Color coated roll 0.426mm*1000*C CGCC Shunpu 7550 0 0 0 Color coated roll 0.476mm*1000*C CGCC Shunpu 7350 0 0 0

· Drilling-Loading-Bolting Integrated Unit is with multi-usage,integrating multiple functions including drill jumbo, rock bolting machine, mucking loader, crusher and into one unit, which avoids the problem of multiple devices crossing each other in the roadway and the problem of tunneling in hard rock roadway can be solved comprehensively. 
· Drilling, bolting, loading, digging, crushing and other functional modules are with reasonable layout for non-interference during the working. It not only reduces the repeated input of power equipment, but also reduce the purchase and maintenance cost of the whole machine. 
· The drilling arm adopts double-triangle self-parallel mechanism and 360 ° flexible displacement mechanism, which can realize multi-position and multi-angle drilling.
· Folding type scraper plate, double chain scraper structure and large scope of dipper realize the efficient and reliable loading capacity.

Drill Loader Bolter Integrated Equipment

Tunneling Machinery,Portable Drilling Rig,Drill Loader Bolter Equipment,Loader Integrated Machine