According to Hong Kong media, a study reported that Chinese scientists discovered a "super-material" that is as light as a balloon but as solid as a metal and can be developed to protect the army and tanks while maintaining mobility Armor.
According to Hong Kong media reports, the study led by researchers at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said researchers created a honeycomb structure that uses tiny tubular graphene with the same stability as diamonds Foamy material.
Reportedly, graphene, as a very thin carbon material with unusual properties, has drawn great interest from researchers in recent years.
The strength of this material is 207 times greater than that of the same weight steel, and it can conduct and conduct electricity with extremely high efficiency.
However, a study published in the latest issue of the Advanced Materials magazine claims that the new material can support objects equivalent to 400,000 times its own weight without bending.
One such graphene foam has been hit hard by more than 14,500 pounds per square inch of force - almost the deepest in the world's oceans - about 10.9 kilometers deep - in the Mariana Trench, off Guam's coast in the United States, The so-called "challenger" sea of ​​pressure.
The Shanghai research team said the material they created was able to withstand the greater impact of graphene materials than previously reported.
It is reported that the material can also be extruded to about 5% of its original size and still be able to recover its original form, leaving it intact even after 1000 repetitions.
Reported that the new material characteristics means that it can be used inside the body armor and tank surface as a cushion to absorb the impact from the projectile (such as bullets, shells, rockets, etc.).