April 21 Tianjin Steel Market Price Quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel Factory/Origin Price Today (yuan/ton) Yesterday Price (yuan/ton) Change (yuan/ton) High-line φ6.5-10mm Q235 Shougang 5360-5380 5280-5300 Up 80 High-line φ6.5 -10mm Q235 Tangshan Steel 5360-5380 5280-5300 up 80 high line φ6.5-10mm Q235 Xuanhua 5360-5380 5280-5300 up 80 high line φ6.5-10mm Q235 Steel 5360-5380 5280-5300 up 80 Line φ6.5-10mm Q235 Shougang 5200-5280 5170-5200 up 30 General line φ6.5-10mm Q235 Tang Steel 5200-5280 5170-5200 up 30 rebar φ12-14 HRB335 rolling two 5150-5160 5100-5110 up 50 Rebar φ16-25 HRB335 Roll 2 5150-5160 5100-5110 Up 50 Rebar φ12-14 HRB335 Roll three 5150-5160 5100-5110 Up 50 Rebar φ16-25 HRB335 Roll three 5150-5160 5100-5110 Up 50 Rebar Φ12-14 HRB335 Shougang 5430-5440 5380-5390 up 50 rebar φ16-25 HRB335 Shougang 5310-5320 5260-5270 up 50 rebar φ12-14 HRB335 Xuanhua 5430-5440 5380-5390 up 50 rebar φ16-25 HRB335 Xuan Gang 5310-5320 5260-5270 rose 50 rebar φ12-14 HRB335 Tang Steel 5430-5440 5380-5390 rose 50 rebar φ16-25 HRB335 Tang Steel 5310-5320 5260-5270 rose 50 rebar φ16 -25 HRB335 5310-5320 5260-5270 Tiantie 50 steel rebar φ16-25 HRB335 steel 5310-5320 5260-5270 50 steel reel φ28-32 HRB335 5320-5330 5270-5280 Tang steel rose 50 three-level disk screw φ12 -14 HRB400 Steel 5570-5580 5520-5530 Steel 50 50-level disk screw φ16-25 HRB400 Steel 5450-5530 5450-5460 Rose 70 Third-grade disk screw φ28-32 HRB400 Steel 5500-5510 5450-5460 50 rounds Steel Φ12mm Q235 Roll 3 5250-5260 5150-5160 Rising 100 Round Steel Φ16-18mm Q235 Anyang Steel 5000-5010 4950-4960 Up 50 Round Steel Φ20-22mm Q235 Ansteel 5050-5060 5000-5010 Up 50 Cold Rolled Sheet 1.0* 1000*2000 ST12 Angang 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant Cold Rolled Sheet 1.2*1000*2000 ST12 Angang 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant Cold Rolled Sheet 1.5*1000*2000 ST12 Angang 6650-6700 6650-6700 Cold Rolling sheet 2.0*1000*2000 ST12 Angang 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant cold rolled sheet 1.0*1000*2000 DC01 Billet steel 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant cold rolled sheet 1.2*1000*2000 DC01 Benxi Steel 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant Cold Rolled Sheet 1.5*1000*2000 DC01 Benxi Steel 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant Cold Rolled Sheet 2.0*1000*2000 DC01 Ben Steel 6650-6700 6650-6700 Constant Hot Rolled 2.0*1250*C Q235 TISCO 5850-5900 5850-5900 Constant Hot Rolled Plate 2.75*1250*C Q235 Tang Steel/TISCO 5500-5550 5500-5550 Constant Hot Rolled Plate 3.0*1500*C Q235 Tang Gang/ Handan Steel 5450-5500 5450-5500 Constant Hot Rolled Plate 4.75*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Iron & Steel/TISCO 5450-5500 5450-5500 Constant Hot Rolled Plate 5.5*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Steel/Covered Steel 5450-5500 5450 -5500 Invariable hot-rolled steel plate 11.75*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Iron & Steel / Baotou Steel 5450-5500 5450-5500 Constant plate 6mm Q235 Steel 6700-6750 6700-6750 Constant plate 8mm Q235 Steel 6600- 6650 6600-6650 unchanged plate 10mm Q235 steel 6200-6250 6200-6250 unchanged plate 12mm Q235 steel 6050-6100 6050-6100 unchanged plate 14-20mm Q235 Steel 6000-6050 6000- 6050 Invariable Diamond Plate 3.0mm Q235 Meigang 5650-5700 5650-5700 Constant Pattern Plate 4.0mm Q235 Meigang 5650-5700 5650-5700 Constant Pattern Plate 5.0mm Q235 Benxi Steel 5650-5700 5650-5700 Constant Pattern Plate 6.0mm Q235 Benxi Steel 5650-5700 5650-5700 Unchanged Shipbuilding 6mm CCSB Jinan Steel 7650-7700 7650-7700 Unchanged Shipbuilding 8mm CCSB Jinan Steel 7450-7500 7450-7500 Unchanged Shipbuilding 10mm CCSB Jinan Steel 7400-7450 7400-7450 Unchanged Shipbuilding Plate 12 -25mm CCSB Jinan Steel 6950-7000 6950-7000 unchanged low alloy plate 16-25mm Q345B Tiansteel 6150-6200 6150-6200 unchanged low alloy plate 16-25mm Q345B Jinan Steel 6300-6350 6300-6350 unchanged color coated plate 0.326*1000*C SGCC Langfang 7800-7850 7800-7850 Constant Color Coated Panel 0.426*1000*C SGCC Xinyu 7300-7350 7300-7350 Constant Color Coated Panel 0.476*1000*C SGCC Xinyu 7100-7150 7100-7150 No Varnish coating 0.5*1000*C TST01 Baosteel 8300-8350 8300-8350 Invariable color coating 0.6*1200*C TST01 Baosteel 8350-8400 8350-8400 Invariable galvanized sheet 1.0*1000*C DX51D+Z Bengang 6300-6350 6300-6350 Invariable galvanized sheet 0.7*1250*C DX51D+Z Angang 6450-6500 6450-6500 Invariable galvanized sheet 0.6*1250*C DX51D+Z Ansteel 6550-6600 6550-6600 Invariable galvanized Board 0.5*1000*C SGCC Hengtong 6650-6700 6650-6700 Invariable galvanized sheet 0.4*1000*C SGCC Hengtong 6850-6900 6850-6900 Constant hot rolled universal belt 4.0*685 Q235 Xingtai 5320-5330 5280-5290 40 hot rolled universal belt 5.5/5.6*520 Q235 Xingtai 5320-5330 5280-5290 rose 40 hot rolled general belt 6.5*685 Q235 Xingtai 5320-5330 5280-5290 rose 40 hot rolled general belt 3.5*685 Q235 Tangshan 5320-5330 5280 -5290 rose 40 cold rolled with 0.5mm*355 Q195 Tianjin Qifeng 5800 5750 rose 50 cold rolled universal belt 1.2mm*355 Q195 Tianjin Qifeng 5750 5700 rose 50 cold rolled universal belt (0.5-0.8)* (500-700) Q195 Tianjin Qifeng 6000 5950 rose 50 cold rolled With (0.8-2.0)*(500-700) Q195 Tianjin Qifeng 6050 6000 up 50 channel 10#*6mm Q235 Jiangtian 5250-5260 5100-5110 up 150 channel steel 16#12mm Q235 Jiangtian 5250-5260 5100-5110 up 150 channel 20#*12mm Q235 Jiangtian 5300-5310 5150-5160 up 150 angle 50mm*50*5/6m Q235 trillion Bo 5150-5160 5080-5090 up 70 angle 80mm*80*8/6m Q345 trillion Bo 5150-5160 5080-5090 up 70 angle 100mm*100*10/9m Q235 trillion Bo 5150-5160 5080-5090 up 70 I-beam 16#12mm Q235 Haicheng 5000-5010 4850-4860 up 150 I-beam 20#12mm Q235 Haicheng 5050-5060 4900-4910 Rising 150 I-beam 25#12mm Q235 Haicheng 5100-5110 4950-4960 Rising 150 H-beam 200*100*5.5*8 Q235/SS400 Rizhao 5350-5360 5350-5360 Identical H-beam 150* 150*7*10 Q235/SS400 Laiwu Steel 5400-5410 5400-5410 unchanged H-beam 300*300*10*15 Q235/SS400 Masteel 5830-5840 5830-5840 unchanged H-beam 400*400*13*21 Q235 /SS400 Masteel 6050-6060 6050-6060 Invariable welded pipe 6 points/2.5mm Q235 Made 5610-5620 5610-5620 Invariable welded pipe 1 inch/3.0mm Q235 Youfa 5570-5580 5570-5580 Fixed welded pipe 1.5 inch/3.25mm Q235 Youfa 5570-5580 5570-5580 Fixed welded pipe 4 inch/3.75mm Q235 Youfa 5500-5510 5500-5510 Invariable Welded Pipe 6"/4.0mm Q235 Youfa 5600-5610 5600-5610 Welded Pipe 1"/3.0mm Q235 Lida 5540-5550 5540-5550 Welded Pipe 1.5"/3.25mm Q235 LEADER 5490-5500 5490-5500 Invariable Welded Pipe 4 Inch/3.75mm Q235 LEADER 5450-5460 5450-5460 Invariable Welded Pipe 6 Inch/4.0mm Q235 LEADER 5560-5570 5560-5570 Invariable Welded Pipe 8 Inch/5.0 Mm Q235 Lida 5560-5570 5560-5570 Invariable seamless tube 76*4.5 20# Tianjin 6550-6600 6550-6600 Invariable seamless tube 108*4.5 20# Tianjin 6850-6860 6750-6800 Up 100 seamless tube 114 *4.5 20# Ansteel 6850-6860 6750-6800 rose 100 seamless pipe 159*5 20# Angang 6700-6750 6650-6700 rose 50 seamless pipe 219*6 20# Angang 7050-7100 6900-6950 rose 150 seamless Tube 377*10 20# Baotou Steel 7400-7450 7100-7150 Rising 300 Seamless Pipe 426*11 20# Baotou Steel 7400-7450 7200-7250 Rising 200 Galvanized Pipe 4-6 Minute 2.75 Lida 7190-7200 7190-7200 Invariable galvanized pipe 1-1.25 inch 3mm Lida 6730-6740 6730-6740 unchanged Zinc tube 1.5 inch 3.25mm Lida 6730-6740 6730-6740 Constant galvanized tube 2 inch 3.25mm Lida 6740-6750 6740-6750 Constant galvanized tube 2.5 inch 3.75mm Lida 6740-6750 6740-6750 unchanged Galvanized tube 3 inches 3.75mm Lida 6740-6750 6740-6750 unchanged galvanized tube 4 inches 4mm Lida 6740-6750 6740-6750 unchanged galvanized tube 5 inches 4mm Lida 6950-6960 6950-6960 unchanged plating Zinc tube 6 inch 4mm Lida 6950-6960 6950-6960 Uniform galvanized tube 8 inch 5mm Lida 6990-7000 6990-7000 unchanged

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